
all about cats, yahoo cat group All About Cats

chocolate and white bicolour

Supreme Gr Ch Closlucile Holdup, OSH b 03.
The 2 photos above show Holdup at 14+ years of age and 4 months.


Web designed, maintained by Carole Gwyther - Myskanco

Enquiries for personal websites welcome. Please contact

Photos of Oriental, Siamese, Rex coated cats, Asians and other pedigree breeds.

Oriental cats, oriental kittens

Longhair Oriental

Oriental cat, oriental black

Oriental Black

Tonkinese kittens

Tonkinese kittens - breeder Sue Amor


Brown Shaded Silver Burmilla

Asian cats

Full expression colour Chocolate Smoke.

Both Asian kittens, bred by Naomi Johnson

British Shorthair

British Shorthair - Cream and White
BSH can be used in Cornish and Devon Rex outcrossing.

This month it is the turn of the Foreign White!

foreign white, oriental cats


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cinnamon point kitten at a show

Cinnamon Point Siamese

lovely siamese kitten

Siamese Kitten

scarlett's kittens

5 beautiful variant kittens

oriental and siamese kittens

Oriental and Siamese kittens

Myskanco Kironos

Oriental Tabby Kitten - breeder Carole Gwyther ***