Homoeopathic Remedies
Stud boys

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Treating Acne
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Feline acne is a localized infection and almost always affects the chin area. It usually starts as small, oily spots in the chin, very much like blackheads, which sometimes progress into inflamed pustules or pimples. The condition is caused by infected, or blocked hair follicles. It is difficult for cats to clean their own chins, and this can lead to a build up of dirt and oil.
Causes of feline acne vary, and include food allergies, contact allergies, lack of cleanliness, and even stress. Plastic food and water dishes are major culprits. Plastic is a magnet for bacteria, which can irritate your cat's skin, causing acne. Dirt can work its way into scratches, continually infecting your cat. Glass, ceramic and stainless steel bowls are best to use for food and drink, these should be thoroughly washed every day.
Most vets will recommend daily cleaning of the affected area, with an antibiotic soap, followed by a topical ointment, either antibiotic or anti-fungal. Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed, as well as a cleanser such as Clenderm. Don't press spots, this can cause further infection.
If it is feline acne and conventional treatments aren't working, your vet should culture one of the spots, and then choose an oral or systemic antibiotic based on the culture results.
Alternative Treatment:
Sulphur (6c) 1 x 3 daily, until the acne has cleared up.
When a cat bites, the teeth go through the skin, and then it releases quickly. This results in small puncture wounds in the skin, with holes about the same diameter as the cat's teeth. These holes seal and virtually disappear within hours, trapping bacteria from the cat's mouth under the skin of the victim.
The type of bacteria which live in the cat’s mouth thrive in an environment where the oxygen concentration is low. Once the wound seals shut, bacteria can begin to multiply at a rapid rate.
The organisms most commonly involved with cat bites are Pasteurella Multocida and Streptococcus.
Making a diagnosis:
The diagnosis of a bite wound is usually straight forward. Occasionally, the cat is presented to the vet, before the abscess or
cellulites is apparent. Usually, a thorough search will reveal the presence of puncture holes in the skin.
Cellulites is an infection of the tissues just under the skin caused by bacteria.
Treatment of cat bite wounds varies. If you know that your cat has bite wounds from a fight, antibiotics given within 24 hours will usually stop spread of the infection and development of an abscess. If several days have elapsed since the fight, an abscess will usually form. The abscess must be drained through the bite wound holes, or by incising the skin over the abscess.
Occasionally, a latex drain tube must be placed to keep the wound open, and allow pus to drain out completely. Antibiotics given by injection and/or by mouth complete the treatment. The abscess usually heals within 2-5 days.
If cellulites occurs instead of an abscess, drainage is not possible because the infection is not confined to a local area. In this case, antibiotics are the sole treatment. Cellulitis is slower to heal than an abscess, but healing will usually take place within 3-7 days.
Bite wounds which receive proper veterinary care, usually heal without complication. But if a bite wound does become infectious and does not heal within a few days, it often becomes necessary to look for an underlying cause.
Certain viruses, including the feline leukaemia virus and the feline immunodeficiency virus, suppress the immune system and complicate the cat's recovery from infections. A blood test should be carried out for the
leukaemia virus and the feline immunodeficiency virus. If these are negative, other tests may be needed to look for possible explanations.
Additionally, there are some long-term considerations related to bite wounds of which you should be aware. Bite wounds are one of the main routes of transmitting the feline
leukaemia virus and the feline immunodeficiency virus between cats. Because these viruses are found in large amounts in the saliva of infected cats, bite wounds from these cats are literally injections of virus.
When a cat has a fight wound infection, and has not been vaccinated against the feline
leukaemia virus, it is usually recommended to test the cat for the presence of the virus. It will take at least 2-3 weeks before the
leukaemia virus infection is advanced enough to be detected. The test should be performed at that time. If the test is negative, it would be wise to vaccinate your cat against the virus.
Unlike the leukaemia virus, the feline immunodeficiency virus is not preventable with a vaccine. Also, because of an extended incubation period, the test for this virus may not become positive for many months, or even years. Therefore, testing in 2-3 weeks is not likely to be meaningful. However, if your cat has been in other fights, testing for this virus could detect an infection that began months earlier.
Clinical signs are gums appearing to be red and swollen looking. The area adjacent to the
teeth is more severely affected than others. Salivation is usually present, and ulceration my also feature.
Homoeopathic remedies include:
Borax 6c - I dose twice daily for 14 days.
Merc Corr - similar to Merc Sol, but the symptoms are much more severe.
Merc Sol - Simple inflammation showing excessive salivation. General dirty look to the mouth and nightly exacerbation. 6c - 1 dose 3 times daily for 10 days.
Nit. Acid. - Painful ulceration of gums and throat. 30c, 1 dose twice daily for 7 days.
Herbally, Parsley and Watercress, can be chopped up and added to their food. Parsley and Watercress, contains Chorophyll which is suppose to beneficial to teeth and gums.
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