Cats Need
Animal-Based Protein Dry Food:
The three key negative issues associated with dry food are: 1) type of protein - too high in plant-based versus animal-based proteins 2) carbohydrate load is too high 3) water content is too low
Carbohydrates: -
we are feeding our cats to much In their natural setting, cats, whose unique biology makes them true carnivores - would not consume the high level of carbohydrates (grains) that are in the dry foods that we routinely feed them. In the wild, your cat would be eating a high protein, high-moisture content, meat-based diet, with a moderate level of fat and with only 6-9% of its diet consisting of carbohydrates. The average dry food contains 35-50% carbohydrates. Some of the cheaper dry foods contain even higher levels. This is NOT the diet that Mother Nature intended for your cat to eat! A high quality canned food, on the other hand, contains 3-6% carbohydrates. Cats have a physiological decrease in the ability to utilize carbohydrates due to the lack of specific enzymatic pathways that are present in other mammals, and the lack of a salivary enzyme called amylase. Cats not only have no dietary need for carbohydrates, but too many carbohydrates can actually be detrimental to their health, as outlined below. With this in mind, it would be as illogical to feed a carnivore a steady diet of meat-flavored cereals as it would be to feed meat to a vegetarian like a horse or a cow. So why are we continuing to feed our carnivores like herbivores? Why are we feeding such a species-inappropriate diet? The answers are simple. Grains are cheap. Dry food is convenient. Affordability and convenience sells. But is a carbohydrate-laden, plant-based, water-depleted dry food the best diet for our cats? Absolutely not. They are designed to eat meat – not grains. |
Cats Need Plenty of Water With Their Food:
Another extremely important nutrient with respect to overall health is water. It is very important for a cat to ingest water with its food, as the cat does not have a very strong thirst drive. This is a critical point. This lack of a strong thirst drive leads to low-level, chronic dehydration when dry food makes up the bulk of their diet. Cats are designed to obtain most of their water with their diet since their normal prey contains 70% water. Dry foods only contain , 10% water whereas canned foods contain, 78% water.
Canned foods therefore more closely approximate the natural diet of the cat and are better suited to meet the cat's water needs. A cat consuming a predominantly dry-food diet does drink more water than a cat consuming a canned food diet, but in the end, when water from all sources is added together (what's in their diet plus what they drink), the cat on dry food consumes approximately HALF the amount of water compared with a cat eating canned foods. This is a crucial point when one considers how common kidney and bladder problems are in the cat. |
Raw Food: Cats are very different from humans with respect their susceptibility to ‘food poisoning'. Cats have a much shorter transit time through their intestinal tract than humans do. (12 hours for the cat versus 35-55 hours for the human.) This is a very important point because the more time bacteria spend in the intestines, the more they multiply, eventually leading to intestinal upset. Purchasing human grade, antibiotic- and hormone-free whole meats from a reputable butcher and adhering to safe meat handling practices are important steps to take when preparing a raw food diet. Good choices include dark poultry meats (such as thighs and drumsticks which are more nutritious than white meats or rabbit.
A & B Bloodgroups