Listed below are some very good reasons for neutering all kittens, not required for breeding.
Two uncontrolled breeding cats create the following:
Two litters a year...
12 Cats the first year.
Cats can start mating as early as six months
Even indoor only house cats often find ways to get outdoors, when the sexual urge hits them. Whether they disappear for good (due to panic, accidents, or enemies) or they return home, kittens are often the result.
An unneutered male can father hundreds of kittens a year.
Statistically, even if a person finds good homes for their cat's kittens, some of the kittens will grow up and produce litters of kittens.
Spaying a female before her first heat protects the queen from risks of uterine, ovarian, and mammary cancers.
Spaying also protects the queen from the stresses of pregnancy.
Spaying stops the queen's frantic interest to roam outdoors and reduces the chances she will mark your home with urine when she is in heat.
Entire male cats have urges that make them irritable and upset. They yowl or whine non stop, fight, and can be destructive around the house.
Neutering a male reduces his risk of prostate problems, including cancer, later in life.
Neutering lowers the male's urge to roam and to fight, and thus lowers chances of disease transmission and woundings.
Neutering reduces the males tendency to spray in the home.
Neutering eliminates the powerful odor of the entire male's urine.
at a survival rate of 2.8 kittens per litter with continued breeding.
66 Cats the second year.
2,201 Cats in the third year.
3,822 Cats in the fourth year.
12,680 Cats in the fifth year and so on.
Multiplying to a staggering 80,399,780 cats in the tenth year.