
Medicine Chest

Photos of Show Cats

Cornish Rex Photos and profile

Photos of LaPerm Rex and profile

Myskancokatz - Web site with photos, history, breed profile on Cornish Rex, Orientals and Siamese.

5 beautiful red variant kittensLaPerm red and white bicolour, Demi Wave

Indasia Cornish Rex - Web site dedicated to Cornish Rex

Justfelineshmm - cat orientated web site, photos of show cats, breed histories, breeders and kitten list.

Cinnamon Fawn Fanciers - web site dedicated to cinnamon and fawn cats.

Genetics of Coat Colour Inheritence

Fabiola - Oriental, Siamese and Burmesh breeder.

Mailing Group

If you would like to join a Cat orientated mailing group, just click on the banners below for more information on how to join:

We also have a photomailing group sister site where everyone shares photos, of their cats and kittens.
More information about joining can be found at -

Or to Subscribe to our group:

CinnamonFawnFanciers mailing group

Oversea breeders/pet owners welcomed.